General August 31, 2017


The annual meeting will be held on September 9th, 2017, at the Icicle Village Resort in Leavenworth Washington. There will be a lunch at Noon, followed by the meeting. To make reservations, call the resort directly: 509-548-7000 or toll free- 800-558-2438. The address is 505 Highway 2, Leavenworth, WA. 98826. When calling for reservations, please mention you are attending the WSPSA conference.

General February 4, 2016

Notes from the Prez

News from the Prez: Jan 29, 2016

General January 18, 2016



General December 11, 2015


2015 WSPSA Fall Newsletter

General August 4, 2015


The WSPSA annual conference will be held at the ICICLE VILLAGE in Leavenworth Washington on September 11th and 12th.  The Registration fee is $50.00.  There will be a lunch buffet.

Rooms are on a first come basis. The Icicle Village is located at 505 US- 2, Leavenworth, WA. 98826. Their number is 509-888-2272 or toll free- 800-961-0162. We will not be having a dinner afterwards. What’s your thoughts on HB 1730?

For more details contact Eric Vennes, Gary Turpen, or Gail Sauerland

To register, click here.

General April 15, 2015


It is vital we show our legislators how serious we are about this bill. Thanks to the efforts of Ted Trask, we have 4 out of 9 committee members supporting the bill. We need just one more to get it out of committee. Here is the list of Public Safety Committee Members. If you click on their name, it will take you to their email page to send them a message:

Chair Rep. Roger Goodman– 45th Leg. Dist.  //  Vice Chair- Rep. Tina Orwall– 33rd Leg. Dist.

Rep. Brad Klippert– 8th Leg. Dist.  //  Rep. Dave Hayes– 10th Leg. Dist.

Rep. Sherry Appleton– 23rd Leg. Dist.  //  Rep. Dan Griffey-35th Leg. Dist.

Rep. Luis Moscoso– First Leg. Dist.  //  Rep. Eric Pettigrew– 37th Leg. Dist

Rep. Lynda Wilson– 17th Leg. Dist.

If you are only going to contact one person, please make it the Chair, Rep. Goodman.

To go to the Public Safety Committee page, click here.  The phone numbers for each members offices are listed in case you want to make it a little more personal.

Together we can do this!

For a full list of the House of Representatives, click here.

For a full list of State Senators, click here.

General April 15, 2015

Thank Representative Dan Griffey

A quick email can go a long way. Both he and his Assistant, Amber Oliver worked hard on our behalf to eliminate our SS numbers from the registration process. To send them a quick thank you email, click here.

General March 17, 2015

Hats off to Representative Dan Griffey, R Allyn.  Through his efforts House Bill 1962, which would prohibit county auditors from displaying or releasing Social Security numbers collected when registering process servers, unanimously passed the state House of Representatives March 11.

You can read more about the bill at: House Bill 1962


General March 9, 2014

The New

The Washington State Process Servers Association is proud to announce their new website developed in conjunction with ServeNow.

This new site gives the association a much needed facelift that properly represents an association that works so hard for the profession and the interest of it’s members.

The goal of the new site is to drive membership, build awareness of legislative updates and promote education. Additionally, the website design is clean and easy to navigate, and it will increase the association’s online visibility and help market the WSPSA members to those that hire process servers in Washington.

The website highlights a variety of information, and new features including:

* An association member section and directory
* News / Blog
* Updates on Education / Certification
* Online membership application and renewal